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PLEASE NOTE: We are a 100% volunteer based organization with families, full-time jobs, pets and sometimes fosters of our own. OUR ONLY FORM OF PAYMENT COMES FROM BULLY KISSES AND BUTT WIGGLES! Please have patients with us as we process any adoption/foster applications, our first priority is the care and well being of the bullies in our rescue. The adoption process can take up to several months and is dependent on each individual bulldogs needs. We know how exciting a prospect of adding a bullie to your family can be, but again we must prioritize the needs of the individual bulldogs first. Thank you all for understanding and your continued support!e individual bulldogs first. Thank you all for understanding and continued support!

Disclaimer/Release of Liability

The Adoption Application requests detailed personal information from you. BCA Rescue Network members may obtain additional information about you through contacts with veterinarians and/or landlords. The information is used by BCA Rescue Network members solely in evaluating your qualifications to adopt a Bulldog and in deciding whether you are the most suitable adopter for a particular Bulldog.The Bulldog Club of America, the BCA Rescue Network, the Internet Service provider and other parties cannot be responsible for loss or damages to you caused by improper release of information.


Statement of Applicant:

I certify that I have read and understood the above Disclaimer and the BCA Rescue Network's Privacy PolicyI am voluntarily submitting the requested application information online at my own risk.


I release the Bulldog Club of America, the BCA Rescue Network, the Internet Service provider and any and all other parties involved in developing, using and maintaining this site from any claims of liability due to release of any information contained in, or related to, my Adoption Application

Privacy Policy

Bulldog Club of America Rescue Network


The BCA Rescue Network has established operating policies to safeguard the information you provide when completing an application to adopt a Bulldog. We do not sell or rent your personal information to anyone.


The BCA Rescue Network has established operating policies to safeguard the information you provide when completing an application to adopt a Bulldog. We do not sell or rent your personal information to anyone.Your adoption application can be viewed online only by approved members of the BCA Rescue Network who have signed an agreement to observe the following conditions:


  • To obtain an individual access password, safeguard the access password and never lend it to anyone, not even another BCA Rescue Network member.


  • ​To change the access password promptly if it has been compromised.


  • To use or disclose information from Adoption Applications or other information about Applicants and Co-Applicants only in connection with meeting the objectives and purposes of the BCA Rescue Network.


  • To limit disclosure of information to persons and organizations outside the BCA Rescue Network to only those items directly needed to accomplish BCA Rescue Network purposes and objectives.

  • Not to use information from Adoption Applications or other information about Applicants and Co-Applicants for any personal purposes nor for personal gain


Examples of permissible disclosures​:


  • Applicant(s) Name and name of pet(s) to the Veterinarian listed on the application. Purpose of contact: To verify regular vet care for current and/or past pets.


  • ​Applicant(s) Name and Address to the Landlord listed on the application. Purpose of contact: To verify rental arrangement and be informed about any restrictions on pet ownership.


  • Complete text of application to BCA Rescue Network members who have consented to the Confidentiality Agreement.


If you cancel your Adoption Application, it will not be available for viewing online, but any copies that may have been distributed to BCA Rescue Network members will still be available for their use.  


Any changes that may be made in these policies will be posted on this web page.


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